The vegetables you grow are like your children. While you may love them, others may not find them that enjoyable.
I've got loads of zucchini growing, and growing, and ...
growing at the moment. I am pretty excited about it but the little family and friendship circle is begining to shut-out zucchini. Can you believe it?
If you are suffering zucchini overload, or you are the recipient of a giant marrow, here are some suggestions as to what you can do with it.
1.) Offer as a gift, wrapped so perfectly, to a friend
2.) Make zucchini pickles
3.) Make zucchini slice
4.) Make zucchini fritters
5.) Make zucchini spagetti
6.) Make frittatas, quiches, pies, cakes, omelettes, ratatoille to hide the zucchini.
7.) Make zucchini boats
8.) Make your family come up with ideas themselves
9.) Make a note not to plant so much zucchini next year!
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