How to build the best in-garden worm farm

After many years of struggling with sub-standard worm farms I've finally got one that works without me working hard to make it work.
This is it.
How to draught-proof your manhole

The manhole (also known as lots of other terms including person hole, maintenance hole, access hatch) to your roof space can be a huge source of draughts with hot air coming into your home in Summer and warm air leaving your home in Winter.
They're easy to fix with some compression draught-proof tape. If you've got a hinged access hatch - draught-proof it like a hinged door as seen in this video.
How to build an in-garden worm tower

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Worms are a pet that just keeps on giving. They only give you joy and are great little gardeners.
If you're a worm fan, or just starting out, this is a great way to get worms to do lots of the gardening for you. You feed them your food scraps in a 'tower' or tube, they come and eat it, then explore the garden doing their wormy business all through the soil. This makes your garden rich, fertile and bountiful ...and all you've had to do is feed the little worms the right stuff.
How to draught-proof the bottom of a door

This GIY job is all about putting a stop to draughts (and limbo dancers) that come in under your doors. In this video I show you how to draught-proof the bottom of an internal hinge door with an adhesive weather strip.
Yes, you could spend all winter arranging the door snake to block the gap but do this GIY job and your battle with the door snake will be over. You might also need to draught-proof around the door - watch this GIY video to see how it's done.
This is a really quick, easy and effective GIY job that will stop draughts and save your energy.
Trickiness rating: EASY
How to draught-proof a hinge door

Draught-proofing doors that lead to 'unconditioned' spaces (i.e spaces that are not heated or cooled including your laundry, bathroom and spare rooms) can make a huge difference to your comfort and energy bills.
In this GIY video I show you how to draught-proof an internal hinged door with draught-proof tape. It's an easy GIY job.
You might also need to draught-proof under the door if there is a gap. I've got the GIY video on how to do that here or just use a door (ssssss) snake.
Once it's done, you just have to remember to keep the door shut. That will be the hardest part of this GIY job.
Trickiness rating: Too easy (can do in your PJ's before breakfast)
NEW: Bokashi Basics - Smale scale composting for small spaces.

A bokashi bucket is a small-scale kitchen 'composting' bucket that works on the principle of fermentation. It's a really easy and efficient form of composting if you haven't got lots of space.
The air-tight bucket can fit almost anywhere and can handle almost all your kitchen waste - raw and cooked food, meat, dairy, citrus and onions. The only thing it can't take is big bones and lots of liquid.
NEW: How to draught-proof evaporative cooling vents

Evaporative cooling vents can be a huge source of draughts and heat loss in winter.
In this GIY video I show you two simple ways to seal them up for winter. One uses clear contact and is super quick and effective. The other uses a product specifically designed for the job - a HeatSaver vent cover.
This is a solution for evaporative cooling vents only.
NEW: How to use polyurethane expanding foam to fill gaps and cracks

Some gaps and cracks are , well, crackers. Too big for the standard gap-filling materials of gap filler rod and caulk.
They need something that will do the job without wasting your time (and lots of products).
Polyurethane expanding foam is the answer. It comes in an aerosol can and sprays on through a nozzle-tube expanding to fill the gap. It cures to a hard foam which can then be cut back, sanded and painted to look real nice.
It can also be left to look like you've just filled gaps with a a solid whipped cream. (I've done that in this GIY video as it's hidden behind a dishwasher.)
I know it's not the 'greenest' product on the market but in small amounts it's better that a draught. You could use old socks if you really wanted to.
It's easy to use but there are lots of great tips in this video on how to do it with minimum fuss.
Trickiness rating: Easy
Stickiness rating: Very (but managable with nail-polish remover or acetone)
NEW: How to draught-proof architraves around windows and doors

Architraves around windows and doors are a common source of draughts with huge gaps and cracks behind them. Unless you were looking for them, or wondering why your house gets cold so quickly, you would never know they are you would never see them.
They are a quick and easy GIY job to fix - grab some gap filler rod and some caulk and get ready to seal the suckers up.
Trickiness rating: Easy