Review: Eco-washball

Eco-washball reviews
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Eco-washball reviews
I love opening up my power bill. Love the crackle as I tear open the envelope, the chart, the stories! And now, for added excitement, there’s a competitive element! A graph comparing your energy use with other folk in your neighbourhood (names withheld!) to see who holds the energy high-ground*.
Comparing energy bills is my equivent of looking in someones bathroom cabinet!
It was early spring and maybe I was too optomistic, but there were grapes ... and I bought them. Surely somewhere in Australia it was warm enought to grow grapes.
Daily dilemmas confound me.
I'll spare you the details but we've had a blocked loo. After trying to fix it, and failing, I called in the plumber. While he was here I popped the question - full flush, half flush or not flush at all? What is best for the environment, sewers and my own pee-ce of mind (that is the first and last lavatory joke I am going to do I promise).
I love to be resourceful – with the food, my time and energy. The more meals I can eek out from one thing and one session in the kitchen, the better. The other day I cooked up a cracking roast lamb. I’m a country girl and this is my ultimate childhood favourite. With the left-over meat and gravy I made shepherds pie and with the bones and last bits, lamb barley soup – 1 leg of lamb, 3 meals. My granny would be proud – and I really made the most of the meat and its eco-hoofprint.
A few weeks ago I presented a GIY-workshop at the One Million Women summit in Sydney. I did a quick garbled session on DIY fix-its with Bernie Hobbs. What we lacked in clarity we made up for in comedy. I love the whole idea behind this campaign.
So often, climate change campaigns and campaigners give the impression of being hard core and hairy. Unless you are a firm follower, it's hard to get motivated to get involved.
Presently I am thinking about presents - I love the idea of giving presents with thought and love attached - something homemade, handmade or lovingly chosen through understanding, listening (or eavesdropping) and knowing.
I used to be very pro-active about turning stuff off at the wall, my career depended on it but now it bores me.
I saw these the other day at ALDI- the VIVID Remote Control Socket Set (not a good name) for around $25. Four sockets with one remote control that can turn them all off. I've heard about fighting stand-by power with remote controls and here it was.
I'm not your average electricity consumer. I'm an obsessive freak about it.
I own a contraption called a power-mate that, as the name might suggest, measures power ...maaaate.
I think every family needs access to one.
Do you turn off?
It is a jungle of jargon, BIG FAT HEADLINES and many opinions.